в начале было слово. и слово было в творительном падеже
16.04.2010 в 02:03
Пишет осенняя вишня:ICELAND VOLCANO
Вулкан проснулся.

April 7, 2010 -- Photographer Albert Jakobsson knows how to be in the right place at the right time. He was on hand at the latest eruption of Iceland's Eyjafjajokull volcano over the weekend just as Earth was being slammed with the strongest geomagnetic storm in three years. The result: lava meets heavenly bliss as a ribbon of green aurora ripples above Eyjafjajokull's fire fountains.
A shot like that is one in a million, but Jakobsson's been lingering around the volcano for a while now, documenting the incredible juxtaposition of fire, ice, and celestial beauty. In an image taken last week, he captured the full moon as it cast a silvery pall over the proceedings:
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URL записиВулкан проснулся.

April 7, 2010 -- Photographer Albert Jakobsson knows how to be in the right place at the right time. He was on hand at the latest eruption of Iceland's Eyjafjajokull volcano over the weekend just as Earth was being slammed with the strongest geomagnetic storm in three years. The result: lava meets heavenly bliss as a ribbon of green aurora ripples above Eyjafjajokull's fire fountains.
A shot like that is one in a million, but Jakobsson's been lingering around the volcano for a while now, documenting the incredible juxtaposition of fire, ice, and celestial beauty. In an image taken last week, he captured the full moon as it cast a silvery pall over the proceedings:
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хаха... у нас солнечно ))))))
да, но говорят, что проблема не в облаках, а в мелкодисперсной пыли, которая попадает в двигатель)